Thursday, November 13, 2008

Getting Started...

A big 'what up' to the beautiful world of Blogger!

Whats goin' on?

I'm the new kid here at Blogger and I'll be getting things together here shortly.  I'll be using this blog to post artwork, shoot the shit, and probably go on a few rants (I'll try to keep the soapbox in hiding as much as I can)

I'll leave you with a sketch of mine that I did for the daily sketchblog.  The requirements were to make a drooling, toothy creature with a soiled T-shirt.

I'll be seeing you cats around.



Dark Wizard said...

hell yea doggie!

good to see yus up on blogger

Dark Wizard said...

PS lead sandwhich is a sick name

Candace Trew Camling said...

oh my god yay!!! I'll add you to my links! Thanks for being a follower too! I stalk through my links, so watch out.